06 Oct,2021


Aroz Stories introduces to you Kim and Corinne, the little hands behind the brand Kim Verbeke Ceramics. Handmade ceramics for your everyday life, in the middle of the fields...


To touch the earth, to feel it being transformed under my hands and to understand its nature to learn to create. To be in contact with this raw earth and to let your hands and mind dream to create.


  • AROZ. Can you introduce yourself in few words?  

Kim. Founder of Kim Verbeke Ceramics and full-time ceramist.

Corinne. I am an art restorer and I am currently working as ceramist for Kim. 

  • AROZ. Tell us about the story of Kim Verbeke Ceramics 

K. I am a biologist and have always been very attached to nature and its wonders. It is therefore naturally that I developed a fascination for this art: touching the dirt, feeling it transform under my hands and understanding its nature to learn how to create. I like to be in contact with the  raw state of the soils and let my hands and my mind dream to create. I learned and worked with Myriam le Paige and at the Bibenbou workshops to then devote myself entirely to ceramics and to Kim Verbeke Ceramics since 2019.


  • AROZ.  How did you meet ? What is your relationship ?  

K. I was looking for a collaborator to help me in the workshop. I slipped the idea  into one of my friend's mind, who slipped in into Corinne's mind :)

C.  Exactly ! It was via a mutual friend in the craft industry. 

  • AROZ. Where does your inspiration come from ? 

K. From nature in all its forms : mineral, vegetable and animal.

C. Also from nature and art in the broadest sense.

  • AROZ. What is the best "ceramic paring" (combination of color, material and type of tableware).

K. I love mixing all the clays and different techniques to create a unique and harmonious combination. That's when the differences become mutually beneficial and form a unity.

C.  I particularly like raw clay with a strong mineral character, but also the delicacy of porcelain.

  • AROZ. What does jewelry represent to you in general ?   

K. It's a daily contact with a noble material that helps me to anchor myself.  

C. It gives off a light that highlights a part of our body.

  • AROZ. What is your favorite AROZ piece ? 

K. The Marselha earcuffthe Mini Astro Taurus pendant the Tessa necklace (a nod to ceramics with this lovely vase :-)).

C. The Joe earcuff and the Magy ring.


  • AROZ. What is your mantra? What phrase or word would you engrave on one of our medallion ? 

K. Carpe Diem

C. Freedom


  • AROZ. Define AROZ in 3 words : 

K. Strong community, sharing and dynamic 

C. Familial, bright and contemporary



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