22 Jun,2022

The Workshop

Discover the different steps of the fabrication of our jewelry in our Portuguese workshop.


The design of the jewelry

Every piece of jewelry is drawn by the designers, Laura & Paola. They search for inspiration in the different trips that they take, in vintage jewelry found in their grandmother's drawer and particularly in the rich environment that surrounds them. For exemple, the Dario necklace (from our Ciao Signorina collection) is inspired by the Palacio Dario's windows in Venise. Their drawings are then sent to the workshop in Portugal where the craftsmen will create a prototype. 


The creation of the mold

Once the prototype is reviewed and approved by Laura & Paola, the workshop will then make a print out of it in a sort of foam that will be used to create the mold. Each mold is then put in a machine that fills it with wax. We wait a few seconds that the wax hardens so that the first links appear.


The making of the tree

After the making of several pieces made out of wax, the craftsmen make the "tree". The edge of each piece are softly heated and placed on a trunk made out of wax. Once the tree is finished, and that the maximum of pieces are placed on it, it is put a big cylinder that will be afterwards be filled with plaster. Once the plaster is hard, it will be open in half, on the length, that will create the final mold where the silver can finally be poured in.


The assembly

The craftsmen will then create the jewelry by assemble each piece, one by one, by hand. For our Dario, Martina or Carlotta links, a notch is first made in each link, so that the craftsmen can open them and assemble them with each other.

To make everything stronger, each link will be welded by laser, so that the work can be more precise and solid.


Le polissage

After having assembled the jewelry, they can get to the next step: the polish. Because of a sort of big black paste, a wheel created with pieces of fabric, and the soft and precise gestures of our craftsmen, the jewelry can become clean, shiny and ready for the last step: the gold bath.


Last but not least: the gold bath ! Once the jewel is assembled, welded and polished, each jewelry is soaked in a 24k gold bath so that it can get the beautiful golden color.

Here, we can see our Martina bracelet at the last step of its realization.

Once these steps are finished, our jewelry are sent to our Showroom at Ixelles, for our and your greatest pleasure.

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